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This Time was Different. The Crisis that Went Past Sweden

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Buendía, Luis; Rey-Araújo, Pedro M.
Institutional Change after the Great Recession European Growth Models at the Crossroads, Routledge, pp. 246-272
Publication year: 2021

The Spanish Economic ‘Miracle’ That Never Was

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Buendía, Luis
Crisis in the Eurozone Periphery: The Political Economies of Greece, Spain, Ireland and Portugal, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 51-72.
Publication year: 2018


The expansive phase experienced by the Spanish economy had long been praised, described in the early 2000s as an ‘economic miracle’. However, the crisis that struck in the late 2000s would become the deepest that the country had endured since at least the 1970s, leading to the general conclusion that its prior success had been a mirage rather than miracle. Using a political economy approach, this chapter identifies and analyses the factors that allow us to understand the Spanish model, including the role played by Spain in the European division of labour; the institutional framework of the domestic economy; and the key agents that have been central to the configuration of the whole model. Finally, it considers the distributive effects and consequences of the model.

Quién paga la factura: regresión salarial y desigualdad

Capítulo de libro
Buendía, Luis
Lo llamaban democracia. De la crisis económica al cuestionamiento de un régimen político, Icaria, pp. 37-43
Publication year: 2013

¿Cómo una crisis financiera en Estados Unidos llegó a convertirse en una grave crisis económica y financiera mundial?

Capítulo de libro
Buendía, Luis
Quiénes son los mercados y cómo nos gobiernan. Once respuestas para entender la crisis, Icaria, pp. 29-35
Publication year: 2011

¿Cómo se concreta la "dictadura de los mercados"?

Capítulo de libro
Buendía, Luis
Quiénes son los mercados y cómo nos gobiernan. Once respuestas para entender la crisis, Icaria, pp. 52-62
Publication year: 2011

El “Modelo Sueco” en perspectiva: Orígenes, reformas y futuro del Estado del Bienestar en Suecia

Capítulo de libro
Buendía, Luis
Claves de la Economía Mundial, ICEX-ICEI, pp. 270-276
Publication year: 2007